Community Guidelines

To be on the Rize platform is to be part of a community and a safe space. This is a supportive and encouraging learning environment with the goal of improving everyone’s network connections and forming win/win relationships. In order for this to be a success, the Rize team asks that everyone follow these community guidelines:

  • Treat others with kindness and respect – provide constructive feedback when possible, but remember all users are here to learn and develop professionally
  • A response is always better than no response – if you get invited to an interview, or a project, or anything, always respond (even to decline) rather than leaving the person without an answer
  • Be creative – consider new perspectives and alternative input. Do not be afraid to try a new job or work with someone you have not worked with before
  • Act professionally – although much of Rize’s work is conducted online, act as you would in an office. Speak appropriately and professionally.
  • Be personable – utilize your new connections with poise. Treat people as people, not numbers. Form a personal relationship with someone before you request their contact information or ask to be a LinkedIn connection.

We believe that these guidelines reflect our values of creativity, teamwork, people-centered, and passion. We reserve the right to remove anyone from the site that violates our guidelines. People, both students and businesses, have joined Rize to take advantage of the network and services that it provides. Please treat them appropriately.