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frequently asked questions

Nope! Our platform is free. We just ask that you make an account to apply or post a project in order to keep both our students’ and businesses’ information safe. You as a business will not be charged until you review applicants, interview, and select a Student to work with.

YES! We believe in paying students for their time and work, this model also helps students of all backgrounds get access to real work experience by not asking students to choose between school, experience, or a real job.

Students are paid a flat rate (advertised on the project listing), upon successful completion of the project. The rate varies from project to project, depending on complexity and the estimated number of hours.

Students are classified as independent contractors. NexusWorks is contracted by the business. If you would like to learn more about legality please review the “Classification of Students” section in our Terms of Service.

While we specialize primarily in marketing needs, businesses are able to post any project that furthers the development and success of their business that falls between a three to eight-week commitment. All projects are approved by us before they are posted to ensure that they are the right fit for the site. We assist all new clients for free in writing their first project listing, schedule a quick consultation with us to discuss further!

NexusWorks will work with you to problem solve in order to get both parties as happy as possible. Payment to the student is not released until both parties have approved the project. Learning and feedback is encouraged, so do not be afraid to provide your student with feedback and work with them to get your project to the level you want it. If there are other concerns you may contact us.

If you would like to work with a Student full-time, rather than on a part-time basis, you can hire them off of the NexusWorks platform. We encourage long-term connections! If you hire a Student off the platform within 3 years of first working together, NexusWorks charges you a one-time fee of 10% of the student’s salary.

While we encourage remote projects because we believe work will continue moving in that direction, not all work has to be remote. If you find a student that is willing and able to work in-office, you are more than welcome to work with them that way. Just ensure you are making mutually beneficial and healthy decisions.

Working with Students is more cost-beneficial than hiring a full-time employee or working with a freelancer. Project managers and Students are able to work together to creatively problem solve and find the most efficient and relevant solution to the project problem. Businesses are developing the future workforce and supporting a positive environment for learning and gaining experience.

Technically yes, however, we do not recommend this. While we support rehiring students, it is best to do it through our platform so that both you and the student are backed and supported by NexusWorks. If you move off the platform, you will no longer have access to our resources and project listing development team. We encourage you to work within the platform to support and provide a productive learning environment and develop professional relationships with many students.

Any student with a .edu email address can register on NexusWorks. We accept undergraduate and graduate students within 4 years out of undergraduate university. If you are an international student studying in the US, please refer to your student office to confirm your ability to work as a contractor with NexusWorks and businesses within the US.

When a business accepts a student for a project, the business is invoiced for the flat project rate (advertised with the project) plus the 20% NexusWorks fee. NexusWorks holds the project rate in our account to be released to the student once both the business and student have agreed that the project has been successfully completed.

We totally get that! Change is hard. You are able to work with students for up to two months, however, we encourage to try to break down typical intern tasks into projects. This allows you to be more productive while working and connecting with more students. NexusWorks is also a great supplement to internship programs because project postings are not restricted to a specific season.